Hi there and welcome to my blog.
If this is your first visit nice to have you here. I hope you enjoy some of the images I have been able to capture over the paste week here in the Maldives.
This weeks title is fairly self explanatory but I would like to throw one tidbit at you. The word Atoll comes from the Dhivehi language, which is spoken here in the Maldives, and is used world wide to describe a circular group of coral islands.
As I began my work week, which this month starts on a Saturday, I was heard to remark that I felt that I had a lucky couple of weeks with regards to the weather. Beautiful sunny days with light winds. Speaking to a family, as we rode the Maldivian Air Taxi bus over to the seaplane terminal, I mentioned how lucky their timing was because the weather had been so nice of late.
Well I think the Western Monsoon heard my boasting and sent us reminder that it wasn't quite over yet. Though the week started nice I have to tell you the last two day's were pretty bad at times. Throughout the two days there were periods of continuous wind and rain. Wind gust's recorded by the Male tower peaked at 60 knots (111 km per hour). T'is the time of year! Should be over soon though, perhaps this was the last big blow before the glassy water days!Maybe I should knock on wood!
Anyway I am more about my pictures than my prose. The first 13 ,in my opinion,are great images of what this country offers when the weather is nice. The last 3 give you a little taste of what the day looks like when the sky's open up.
If this is your first visit nice to have you here. I hope you enjoy some of the images I have been able to capture over the paste week here in the Maldives.
This weeks title is fairly self explanatory but I would like to throw one tidbit at you. The word Atoll comes from the Dhivehi language, which is spoken here in the Maldives, and is used world wide to describe a circular group of coral islands.
As I began my work week, which this month starts on a Saturday, I was heard to remark that I felt that I had a lucky couple of weeks with regards to the weather. Beautiful sunny days with light winds. Speaking to a family, as we rode the Maldivian Air Taxi bus over to the seaplane terminal, I mentioned how lucky their timing was because the weather had been so nice of late.
Well I think the Western Monsoon heard my boasting and sent us reminder that it wasn't quite over yet. Though the week started nice I have to tell you the last two day's were pretty bad at times. Throughout the two days there were periods of continuous wind and rain. Wind gust's recorded by the Male tower peaked at 60 knots (111 km per hour). T'is the time of year! Should be over soon though, perhaps this was the last big blow before the glassy water days!Maybe I should knock on wood!
Anyway I am more about my pictures than my prose. The first 13 ,in my opinion,are great images of what this country offers when the weather is nice. The last 3 give you a little taste of what the day looks like when the sky's open up.


Same landing. Just coming off the "step" to then turn and follow us back to the dock.

This was taken the day before the Monsoon struck back!

With the weather looming! I took this moments before the rain moved in. The same rain we fought with all the way back on our trip in from the North. As with life timing is everything when it comes to float flying.
Lilly beach lagoon! We couldn't even get to the plane! At this resort, which I should add is another wonderful place and this picture certainly does not do it justice, we use a Dhoni to transfer to the the aircraft on a floating platform.
I would like you to reference the shot of the South Ari Atoll looking North to give you a better idea of the the Lilly Beach location and what it looks like on better day!
I would like you to reference the shot of the South Ari Atoll looking North to give you a better idea of the the Lilly Beach location and what it looks like on better day!

When we finally got to the aircraft we wave good-bye to the Dhoni and prepare to fly home.
That's it for now. I hoped you enjoyed this little snip-it of my work here in the Maldives. As always feel free to comment or contact me! barefootflyer@gmail.com .