Friday, September 23, 2011


Hello and welcome to my blog , an online photo journal depicting my travels throughout the Maldives.

This past week was absolutely made for photography! Calm seas, amazing visibility and of course my birds eye view gave me opportunity to capture some truly spectacular  images!

So much of my life's experiences are as a result of being in the right place at the right time. I feel confident when I say that this past week was an example of this. Everywhere and on everyday I found something that caught my eye that simply begged me to photograph it. 

 As I went through my photos,these past few days, one thing became very clear to me and that is reflection provides a compelling image. 

It is my opinion that reflection  is important in ones own life as well. I think it is important to reflect from time to time in order to evaluate the good aspects along with  the not so good. Of late I have been doing just that and for the most part I feel good about what I see. None the less there are some things that leave me unsure where my  next steps lie.Perhaps change is in order. Should I stay or should I go? Curious and cryptic, for that I do apologize but at the moment I am torn.

Without contrast photographs, in my opinion, are boring but not all contrast works. Contrast in ones life is stimulating but upon further reflection the reality of certain situations may be to unstable.For yourself and for those who count on you it is best to seek stability when available.Or at least this is my thought.

As I ramble on I realize that this text is going in  directions I did not foresee! I think it best to leave this line of thought and just go on to the images!

As I said I found so many things to photograph this week and to be quite honest I really had a hard time narrowing down what to post! I actually came up with 64 and so many more I really wanted to share! In the end I decided to post way less and save the others for a future post, random facebook posts, Flikr and of course to my new Twitter account!

I really hope you find something that catches your eye! Please remember if you want to see the image pop out give it right click!

Reflections of a Barefoot Pilot!

Early morning at the seaplane base. Just prior to the sunrise. On this morning I was on call for the first few hours and considering the weather what better use of time could there be than to capture the many moods of a rising sun!

 With a steady and unrelenting pace the sun peaks up over the Eastern horizon changing the yellow,orange and pink hue to the blue of the day.

As Ben and Peter pull out of the dock I am position to get a great shot. Even though the sun is strong and back-lighting this scene I think it works!

With the sun high above the base and the aircraft back from the first rotation of the morning.Like the natural symmetry of the Atolls that surround us the aircraft are lined up and awaiting their next flight.

Can be a very busy place this seaplane base of ours!

 Our brothers and sisters who wear the blue shorts lifting off of the North Left waterway!

One of MAT's planes landing on the North Right waterway while in the distance TMA's setting up to land next.

Landing up at one the resorts we travel to.

And as I carry on this photographic tour of the Maldives I present you a daybreak shot of the island named Kamhadoo in the Baa Atoll.

Moving along on these "glassy water" days who would argue that I don't have the best view of the Maldives! This one is of the Eastern edge of the Ari Atoll as it stretches from South to North!

High above Grand Centara!

Truly a mirror like reflection provided by the windless day! In the foreground is Vilamendhoo Island Resort, then RRanveli Village followed by the local island of Dangethi. All located in the South Ari Atoll.

Easily my most photographed chain of atolls. There is just something about the Ari Atoll that truly captivates me!

The resort of Vakarufalhi Island .

If I had to pick a favorite from the bunch this one could well be it! It as if the Indian Ocean that surrounds the Ari Atoll became a giant swimming pool. Not a ripple to be seen for miles!

Or maybe this one!

 Or maybe this one! Okay I will stop now as really I can't pick a favorite! It is hard not to feel truly blessed on days like these. Mother nature conspired to give me a truly spectacular canvas to copy into digital form!

East side of  Ari Atoll looking from the North to the South!

 A couple of our aircraft loading up at one of the many lagoons throughout the Maldives.

A TMA aircraft on a floating platform waiting for the next load of travelers to take back to Male'.

 My aircraft on this fine day moored to a buoy at Meedhupparu .

Strolling along I spotted this scene, shark ! A tiny one surrounded by a school of fish!

As the setting sun closes the day I felt it only appropriate to close this post with images caught just before the sun fades in the West.

 Feel blessed to know you have a tomorrow.

 And to end the post a look at the tower overlooking our base. A well deserved shout out to the men and women who guide us home in fair weather and foul!

Hoped you enjoyed my reflections.

Be safe and be kind.

Rob one of the Barefoot  Pilots!