Hello once again and welcome back to my Barefoot Blog.
Contained in the following pages you will find pictures I have taken of the some of the people I encounter day to day along with some of the places I visit while flying around the Maldives.
The photographs are taken with my Canon Rebel XS . At home we have the EOS 5d and I can tell you I do notice the difference between the cameras! I pause to take a big sigh and hope that the photography business venture back in Canada takes off so I can justify buying a newer full frame SLR to have for the next time I come to the Maldives! If you are curious about our business back in Canada please check out my wife Sophie's wonderful work at www.sophiephoto.com .
Now on to my photo's.
First stop Madoogali. A resort located in the North Ari Atoll, pretty 60 miles straight west of Male.
We spent a few hours here the other day. Just enough time to have a nice lunch and of course to take some pictures!
First we have the a shot of the airplane in the background tied to the floating platform in the lagoon just across from the resort island. Most resorts use a Dhoni to transfer people back and forth to the airplanes.
Here we have have the skipper, little bit of rain in the background and you may notice the rudder between his legs. Most Dhoni's are set up so that the captain steers it with his legs and feet, bare of course!
Shorts and shirt blowing in the wind as Ahmed, one of the crewman has a look off the bow.
The view of the resort through the front doorway of the Dhoni . Off to the side Hassan, another one of the crewman looks around the big swell that runs between the island and the lagoon.
Hassan giving me a pose along the way to Maddogali Island.
One of my crewman gives me a pose. Here we MI( Mohamed Ibrahim) enjoying the ride over to Madoogali.
I thought this was a pretty cool looking planter that I came across while walking the path's of Madoogali.
Those path's I was speaking of. So lush and green. I find it so amazing that these tiny islands of mostly sand and coral can support such jungle like agriculture.
As we are still in the midst of the Western Monsoon I thought it would be interesting to see these images in black and white.
This is a side perspective of the same area of the island. Again I thought it would be impressive to see the image in black and white.
Crow's! So cheeky no matter where you go. Just like everywhere they inhabit they are opportunists who are quite intelligent. This guy was taking the material used to make a fence for use in his/her nest.
This water is so inviting!
The beaches of the Maldives are legendary indeed.
Lunch time is almost over. The Dhoni is on his way out for one more trip before coming back to take us out to our waiting bird.
I always love the contrast that everyday objects can have. Things perhaps I may not even give a second look if I didn't have a camera in my hand.
A view from the office! The North Male Atoll as seen out the left window as we traveled south west.
My buddy Hamdoon flashes a grin and gives the thumbs up.
Formerly a cabin attendant he saved up the money he made to become a pilot.
He has around 2000 hours now. Won't be to much longer and he will find himself into the captains seat.
On this shot you see Male just over his right shoulder.

As I close this post another look at the bustling Capital City of the Maldives.
Thanks for stopping by.........
Contained in the following pages you will find pictures I have taken of the some of the people I encounter day to day along with some of the places I visit while flying around the Maldives.
The photographs are taken with my Canon Rebel XS . At home we have the EOS 5d and I can tell you I do notice the difference between the cameras! I pause to take a big sigh and hope that the photography business venture back in Canada takes off so I can justify buying a newer full frame SLR to have for the next time I come to the Maldives! If you are curious about our business back in Canada please check out my wife Sophie's wonderful work at www.sophiephoto.com .
Now on to my photo's.
First stop Madoogali. A resort located in the North Ari Atoll, pretty 60 miles straight west of Male.
We spent a few hours here the other day. Just enough time to have a nice lunch and of course to take some pictures!

Here we have have the skipper, little bit of rain in the background and you may notice the rudder between his legs. Most Dhoni's are set up so that the captain steers it with his legs and feet, bare of course!

Formerly a cabin attendant he saved up the money he made to become a pilot.

On this shot you see Male just over his right shoulder.

As I close this post another look at the bustling Capital City of the Maldives.
Thanks for stopping by.........
Lovely photos of Maldives. It's really beautiful.
ReplyDeleteDiva Maldives