Hello and welcome to the barefootpilot blog! Perhaps you are a returning visitor or maybe it is your first time to visit my online ramblings, in either case I thank you for taking the time to stop by!
I know it has been a few weeks from my last post and I am sorry about that. This past few weeks I have been so busy doing other things for the SophiePhoto side of our business that I haven't found the time to go through my thousands of photo's I have taken in the Maldives!
That being said I have made some selections for your viewing interest!
This time around I have concentrated on a local artist production that I was able to attend a month or so ago. My friend Reeman invited me and gave me great access to the stage to get some great photos!
I hope that I have the story right... as I understand it is a musical/dance which illustrates a tradition that involves the young men of a local island and how they would court their young woman through dance. As the production goes on it as if the young men find themselves so entranced with the music and dance they transcend the physical world and enter a spiritual one.
Please forgive and better yet update me if I have any of those details wrong!
I know it has been a few weeks from my last post and I am sorry about that. This past few weeks I have been so busy doing other things for the SophiePhoto side of our business that I haven't found the time to go through my thousands of photo's I have taken in the Maldives!
That being said I have made some selections for your viewing interest!
This time around I have concentrated on a local artist production that I was able to attend a month or so ago. My friend Reeman invited me and gave me great access to the stage to get some great photos!
I hope that I have the story right... as I understand it is a musical/dance which illustrates a tradition that involves the young men of a local island and how they would court their young woman through dance. As the production goes on it as if the young men find themselves so entranced with the music and dance they transcend the physical world and enter a spiritual one.
Please forgive and better yet update me if I have any of those details wrong!
Mee Raajje Show (a musical) : Tribute to Mohamed Hisham.