Hi there and welcome to the blog! I am so happy you have taken the time to visit my ongoing photo journal dedicated to the Maldives.
I have just "tweaked" my site a little! Now when you click on any of the photos in my posting a "light box" opens to display it. I think this is very cool just give them a click and enjoy!
There is no doubt in my mind that I find myself in a rather unique position as photographer who is also a seaplane pilot or is that a seaplane pilot who is also a photographer! To be honest I really don't want to pin myself down by just one or two categories. I think that throughout my life I have just followed paths that intrigued me most. Sometimes stumbling along and at other times with a dedicated purpose in mind. Now this is not all of the decisions I have made have necessarily been wise ones ! None the less they have made me who I am today and influence how I see the world around me which in turn influences my photographic style.
Speaking of influences I would like to diverge from my Maldives theme and start with a few shots my two amazing sons have captured. My wife and I try hard to influence them with what we consider to be the appropriate perspectives to guide them on their life's journey. You can't help but to feel a certain sense of pride when they take on something that you also love to do. Both of them have picked up the photography bug and I am so pleased to see the talent they already have.
So the first four pictures, although not of the Maldives, are from my son's!

Ben's photograph of a boardwalk! Love the perspective Ben!

A bit of self portrait with a butterfly, taken at the butterfly gardens in Victoria. Pretty tricky shot because Ben is actually using one our DSLR's!

Gabriel got this one with a Canon point and shoot! I have no idea how he managed to get so close! This is not cropped either! Amazing composition Gabriel!

Not to be out done by his older brother Gabriel also manages to get a very cool self portrait with a butterfly in hand!
So proud of both you guys!!!!

As I return to my photo's I start off with a sunrise at the seaplane base here in Male'. I always love it when my schedule allows me to get a few pictures of the rising sun!

Because my flight wasn't until 06:30 an amazing opportunity presents itself . We are still enjoying the calm water and clear sky's that dominate the period between the Monsoons. Though by the end of my week we had a little taste of what lies ahead and as I write this post the sky's darken with an approaching thunderstorm!

Often when I have a small break between flights I will go to the end of one our Jetty's and sit there with my zoom lens. Most everyone who see's me there gets into it and helps me with the shot! This one and the next are of my colleagues in blue shorts( TMA, the company uniform is blue shorts, and of course barefoot!)

Thanks for the big smile Captain!

Nice one with the cabin attendant standing outside as he prepares the ropes for docking while the tower controllers look on.

As we join the traffic pattern for a south bound left waterway landing I was able to capture this one of the twin otter taking off the north bound left waterway. No wind means you can easily takeoff in the opposite direction that you land in. Again another unique opportunity I was able to capitalize on !

Glassy water landing! People who don't fly seaplanes more often than not think that it is all to easy to land on calm water. Well I have to say there is a bit of trick to it and can be quite disastrous if not done correctly. Landing on a mirror like surface gives very little reference to how high you are as you enter the landing flare. You most definitely do not want land nose low! In this one Captain Laidman does it with style!

I was hanging around for an hour at

Kanuhura Resort so I couldn't resist taking a few as we waited. I love it when I can get this perspective.

Back at the airport. I really like this one. such a unique looking airport!

Of course not everyone arrives by airplane. There are great many ships of all shapes and sizes that move in and out of the harbour here. To be sure some are more comfortable than others, this one looks to be very comfortable indeed!

Now how about some reefs to look at! I just love the view my office has on days like this! This one I got as we left the Lhaviyani Atoll heading south to Male.

Simply amazing! Need I say more!

This and the preceding shot are from the Ari Atoll! Photographers dream!

Love this little grouping of islands in the Baa Atoll.

My last photo of these two fellows, Arrish and Muez, got such a response I had to post another with a slightly different pose!

This one I simply adore. I was walking back to my apartment yesterday and as I passed by a school that was just letting out I scrambled to get my equipment together to capture the hoards of people that filled the street. As I was snapping away this fellow tapped me on the shoulder. We could really communicate through words because my Divehi is quite limited as was his English. But as I have mentioned before a smile goes a long way and he wanted me to take his picture as well! I was so happy to do it. So much character and joy in his face. I love that photography gives me these opportunities to really sample and savour the environment around me!

As I laid down on the beach to get this one I could hear one of my friends voices is my head. He describe the flight crew as hermit crabs! This is because we are often seen walking around the docks with backpacks, much like the hermit crab, carrying our stuff everywhere we go!

Seems once again appropriate to me to end with a sunset picture! A kayaker enjoying the last glimmers of the sun as it sets over the warm Indian Ocean. This shot taken at
Filitheyo Resort in the Faafu Atoll
I am so glad you stopped by for a little visit.
Until the next post, so long from the Maldives!
One of the barefoot pilots!
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