Hi there and welcome to my blog filled with images of the Maldives.
In this post I turned the lens towards the people of the city of Male along with other images that I found intriguing.
Male' is a city with tremendous appeal to the photographer in me. So
much going on at any one moment! It is rare that I leave my apartment
without my camera and that usually pays dividends in the form of
photographic opportunities!I hope that you will agree as you browse my
latest collection of images!
The streets of the capital city of Male'. Cars, motorcycles and people fill them.
A kind heart and warm smile can brighten the day.
Just hanging around outside the movie theatre with a cart full of things to sell.
Street corner scenes as I try to blend in and just observe.
I am not so naive as to believe that I blend in all that well but sometimes it does feel easier than others.
On this day I felt like I was catching the everyday scenes that best represents the Male' I know.
A busy city with people from all walks of life.
Tucked into the Southwest corner of Male' is a busy harbour, jammed pack with every shape and size of Dhoni imaginable!Such a bonus to be able to show you the birds eye view before I get to the images of what I captured at ground level.
Perhaps the reason I feel drawn to places like this is because I grew up in coastal town.
There is just something so appealing to me about a busy port.
What is so cool for the photographer in me is that I can walk around freely in this place. There is a good chance I would be not given such access to an industrial shipping yard back in North America.
Here though I go unhindered.
I admit I feel as if I am being watched as much as I am watching.
But for the most part though it is as if I am not even there.
I really like this one! The size of that anchor is just so intriguing to me when compared to the size of the dingy. Of course he was bringing out to a much larger Dhoni, but none the less!
A golden Mosque,Viyafaariveringe Miskiy, rising out of the green!
A city that loves the motorcycle!
The entrance to Viyafaariveringe Miskiy Mosque.
When I am far from home I see things in places others call home intriguing. As a result when return to the place I call home I realize how special and intriguing it is.
I hope you have enjoyed the images of Male'! I will be back soon with another post which will no doubt return to the birds eye view of a birds I view that this blog has become known for.
Take good care.
Rob one of the barefoot pilots.