Thursday, September 15, 2011

Getting It Done Through Rain Or Shine!

Hello and welcome to my blog! Glad you made the time to stop by.

Even though the weather was not always the best this week , actually at times it was down right nasty, 
I have a ton of images to post.

Quite a variety I have to say. Some rainy day fun highlighting the hard working Maldivian Air Taxi staff. Images from around the seaplane base here in Male'. Umbrellas,Kittens along with a young lady striking a pose on the steps of one of our Twin Otters.

So once again welcome to my blog which is a photographic journal of my life here in the Maldives.

Left click any image to open it up to a bigger size.

Now this is one thing I don't have a lot of these. Pictures of me that is!

So I was hanging around at Palm Beach Resort waiting for  departure time when I spied these young ladies out enjoying the surf. As I mentioned the weather was not all that great this week but you know life is what you make it and the ladies definitely had the right spirit. Enjoying everything the Maldives has to offer!

Hanging around at the end of the sandbar, waves crashing all around.A perfect time to take a picture!

Got this one looking Northwest along the beach close to where we dock the aircraft. Palm Beach Resort.

There is no doubt this day was grey and the wind was building but the Twin Otter is made for days like these!

Are you ready for the rainy pictures? You know I am! 

I realize that some of our passengers will have experienced delays and baggage that does not arrive when they  do. 

With the bad weather we have increased fuel requirements, got to be safe out there, and this means less baggage gets on the aircraft.Some times resort staff may have been bumped off or even paying passengers for that matter. I offer my apology to you for these inconveniences but I must say we employees are truly giving our best effort to have a safe trip  without to much inconvenience. However when the monsoon roars into to town it is important for us to know our limits.

When you see the images in this post I am sure you will agree we give it our best effort.

When the rain does fall I often think of a poem written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The Rainy Day, more specifically the following verse.

"Be still, sad heart, and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
  Some days must be dark and dreary."

As the rain starts to fall I grabbed my camera to record the scene around the seaplane base in Male'. In this shot I captured one of our hard working dock hands fueling one of our planes for its next trip.

Now the rain is really starting to fall as one of our Guest Relation Officers makes her way down to collect the arriving passengers.

I understand that this is terrible weather to be in whilst on vacation but an amazing photo op none the less!

Umbrellas make wonderful props!

Don't you think!

Of course some of us are not so lucky and are without an umbrella ! 

But as the title of this post suggests through rain or shine we do our best to get the job done!

It is hard to see and when the wind kicks up it is very challenging to maneuver on the water.

Not to mention landing in these conditions. Mind you it is usually much more challenging landing or taking off at the resorts because of the big waves that are kicked up by the strong winds.

It is very good to have an experienced crew!

Speaking of which here is a shot of one our cabin attendant, Anees , getting ready to hop off the plane to tie it to the dock. I should add that he is one of the fastest rope tiers we have. I am sure he would do well at a rodeo!

And as the crew approaches Arrish is ready with the umbrellas!

Here is one of TMA's aircraft coming in amid the rain!

And behind the scenes some of the new construction around our terminal. I thought it was cool how the water was dripping down like a waterfall. They are actually dry in there.

Okay enough of the rain! Here is one our birds in the main hangar undergoing an overhaul.

These guys working behind the scenes are important part of the team here at MAT.

On another day Captain Kirk taking her away from the dock.

While I was snapping away around the MAT base a TMA plane got close enough for me to get a good shot. I only had wide angle available at the moment so it was good of him to get a little closer!

Leaving the dock behind and off to the next destination.

Waiting for he next airplane and striking a pose!

Smiling faces warm my day!

Taking some time to relax and give me great pose. Azif and Moosa!

And here we have the lovely Syma took time out of her busy day to pose for me.

Maybe she should be on the next cover of the Maldivian Air Taxi inflight magazine. What do you think?

Not many hangar's are with out cats!I love these two guys!

Normally they hang around the staff canteen waiting for bits and pieces. Its those eyes and stripes that do it for me. They are pretty used to me by now and I have a soft spot for animals so I can't resist stopping to give them a pat or two!

Wow tons of photos on this post! I hoped you enjoyed them!

Till the next time so long for now from 

Rob one of the barefoot pilots!