Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hi to you all.

Thanks for stopping by for a look at my latest post.

This one is most certainly slanted towards images of the Twin Otter and all her glory. This past week I had a few awesome opportunities to get some great sequence shots of the aircraft either taking off or landing.

Hard not to feel a little spoiled by the chances my life offers me at times! I hope you will enjoy the images I was lucky enough to get this week.

Don't forget, you can click on the photo to get a larger version to pop up.

First up is 8Q-MBG launching out of the W Maldives Resort

We were on a charter in one of the executive machines  and had to wait for our passengers to finish up some buissiness. Because our colleagues in 8Q-MBG were due in just after us we had to move off the jetty to allow them to drop off and pick up their passengers.

   So we moved our aircraft out of their way which as luck would have it meant that we needed to moor on a buoy just across from the resort.

 Once on the buoy I grabbed my camera and climbed on top of the plane and got ready to take some pictures!

 And away they go!

Love it when a plan comes together for great sequence of shots! A good auto focus system is an advantage as well!

8Q-MBE coming in for a nice landing at Four Seasons Landa Giraavaru .
I found myself once again moored to a buoy to let the other aircraft drop off and pick up guests.

Once they were done and with the help of my able crew I brought my plane over to the floating platform.
Though there was an approaching rain shower I still managed to grab the camera and shoot a sequence of shots!

Off they go!

No use hiding it, sometimes it rains here in the Maldives. 

Sometimes it really rains hard but this shower was only a fleeting one.

See you guys back at the base!

Speaking of back at the base got this one the other day as one of our planes approached the dock. Access most certainly has its privileges!

 A start of a good morning!

A morning which lead to this! Love these atolls! Once again the edge of the North Ari

Such an awesome view I have of the Maldives! I got this one high above the Faafu Atoll!

Inside the Faafu Atoll, the island of Vashugari!

Entering the Western side of the Faafu Atoll I took the opportunity to take picture of that lovely and reliable PT6. Join the PT6 Nation !

 Parked at the the Jetty at One&Only Reethi Rah

Hey now these two guys are definitely a contrast! Tholaal on the left and Neil Walton, who incidental is also an avid photographer. Check him out at Neil Walton Photography and his blog highlighting photographers from around Vancouver Island! Okay so Thoalall is not taller than Neil. I think the next photograph better represents their size difference! 

Ha Ha! Okay I admit this is a bit exaggerated as well!

Thought I'd  end this post with another shot of the men working high above the city. Barefoot and you thought that barefoot flying was unique.

Glad you stopped by for a visit please come again!

Rob , one of the barefoot pilots!