Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lily Beach Resort Revisit and a Few Sunsets to Boot

Hi and welcome to the blog!

Once again this past week as presented many photo opportunities. So much so I am having a great deal of difficulty selecting what to post!

Before I move on to my pictures, however I would like to point out that I derive no income from any of the resorts I write about here. In fact other than the money I have been lucky enough to receive for some of the images that I post on this site there is no financial gain for any of the ideas or recommendation I make. Of course I do promote my own business that my wife and I have at . I am just pointing this out, I suppose, because I just want you to be aware that anything I talk about through this blog is just me sharing with you what I see in my travels in the Maldives along with some of the thing or people that inspire me.

To that end I have posted a video of Chris Orwig from a presentation that he did at the TedX conference. I stumbled upon Chris through the . He is also a faculty member of Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, CA. His style presentation and his life outlook really spoke to me and I am only to happy to share with you this video as well as these links. If you would like to grow as a photographer or human for that matter I would highly recommend you check out his work.

Okay so I hoped you like the video! On to the pictures!

With all the colour that saturates the Maldives it may seem little strange to go black and white. None the less I thought I should post it. I added an edge treatment, as I have with most of the photos here. In the end I do like this one in black and white! This particular line of islands and coral reefs fascinates me to know end!
I can't even count the times I a photographed it and yet every time I enter the Ari Atoll I feel transfixed when I see this out my office window. No wonder the Maldives are on the short list for being added to one of the natural wonders of the world!

Caught this one as Captain Madda along with his crew First Officer Javid and Cabin Attendant Kutchie were landing in Lily Beach resorts lagoon. This is one of aircraft with the Cap floats still installed. Soon all will be wipline (tech info for float enthusiasts).

Super nice landing boys!

Nice one of Javeed tying the heel of the float to the floating platform. Hurry up dude we are waiting to get some of that awesome Lily Beach food for lunch!

Madda knows what I'm talking about! On some of our slower days we get a midday break.
This is quite a treat for us. On most days we start work at 05:00 am so any day we get a break we are only to happy to take it!
Depending on the time and the resort we are often treated to some of the best that the Maldives has to offer in cuisine! Lily is right at the top of the list. The food is outstanding and the service is amazing! You can really tell that this resort has hired people who really care about and take great pride in the resort they work for.

A quick look back at the Twin Otters taking their richly deserved break!

As we slide out of the laggon we pass by a small Dhoni begging me to take a picture of it!

A cool post card! Should I go left or right! Really doesn't matter at Lily Beach because either side is amazing!

Water Villas all lined up!

Here is something that makes Lily Beach rather unique. They raise baby turtles and once they have reached a mature age they are released into the rich waters of the Indian Ocean!

Well it's back to the barefoot flying! My friend and colleague, who will soon be a Captain, Nasif sits at the bow of the Dhoni that is taking us back to the planes. Sending a quick text off to his wife. A great guy and pleasure to fly with. He will make a great Captain!

Sunsets are amazing and at few degrees north of the equator they happen fast. I quickly grabbed my camera and caught this one up at the Hilton!

These next two shots were taken while I was on an overnight at Soneva Fushi 6 Senses. Let me tell you dinner and breakfast were outstanding!

Dhoni and the sinking sun!

As always I hope you enjoyed my thoughts and images. If you care to comment please do, I would love to hear from you!
If I have got my facts wrong please let me know. I like to think of myself as someone who wants to grow and learn with each new day!

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